Sr.No. Name of the Principal Investigator Title Of The Project Minor/Major Sponsored Agency Period Sanctioned Amount Status
1 Dr. T.V. Munde 1. The Study of Cropping pattern in Marathwada Region. Minor U.G.C. Nov. 2004 to Nov. 2006 25,000/- Completed
2. The Economics of Higher Education in Marathwada Region. Major U.G.C. 1.2.2009 to 31.1.2011 4,50,200/- Completed
3. The status of Higher Education in Marathwada Region. Minor S.R.T.M.U. Nanded March 2009 to Feb. 2011 40,000/- Completed
2 Dr. N.N. Kale 1. Ethono Medico Survvey & Doccumentation of Plants of Pathri Minor U.G.C. Oct. 2004 to Sept. 2006 24,000/- Completed
2. Ecology & Socioeconomics study of water reservoirs of District Beed, Parbhani, Hingoli & Jalna Minor S.R.T.M.U. Nanded March 2009 to Feb. 2011 35,000/- Completed
3 Prof. S.K. Shinde Khushwant Singh as a Columnist : A Study Minor U.G.C. Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2011 29,000/- Completed
4 Dr. S. R. Khandhare Interdisciplinary Study of Indian Folktales Major UGC J31/7/2012 to 30/7/2014 533800 /- Completed
5 Prof. D.B. Ravande 1. Indian Drama in English by Women Writes : A Study Minor U.G.C. Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2011 36,000/- Completed
2. Contribution, Obstractions and Scope: A Study of Zadipatti Rang Bhoomi with reference to Shri Venkatesh Natya Mandal Major U.G.C. 09/01/2015 to 08/01/2017 240000 /- Completed
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3.A Study of Socio-Culttural Paradigms of Peripheral Theatres of Maharashtra Minor S.R.T.M.U. Nanded 19/03/2021to 19/02/2023 60000/- Ongoing
6 Dr. S. R. Rathod DNA Bar-coding of Spider Spacies from Manwath Region of Maharashtra Minor UGC 20/02/2015 to 19/02/2017 390000 /- Sanctioned
7 Dr. B. S. Munde Studies on Chemically Deposited CdZnS and CdMnS Nanocrystalline Thin Films 20-03-2014 UGC 20/03/2014 to 19/03/2016 195000 /- Completed
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8 Dr. K. R. Borude Equilibrium Studies in Transition Metal Complexes of Some Drugs and Biological Important Amino Acids Minor UGC 20/05/2014 to 19/05/2016 200000 /- Completed
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9 Dr. P. A. Chalikwar Microwave Dielectric Study on Water Structure and Physical Properties of Aqueous Systems Using Time Domain Reflectometry Techniques Minor UGC 27/03/2014 to 26/03/2016 210000 /- Ongoing
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